Thursday, May 13, 2010

"ADHD World"

Once again last night on the news a teen takes a gun to school.
Nothing new, right? His Mother in a tearful interview stated her son "has ADHD". My blood starts to boil! How many times have parents, not to mention their children used this as a reason for everything from a speeding ticket to taking weapons to a school? Yes, ADHD is a real concern that so many live & cope with in their everyday lives....but, "come on man"!

We are teaching many children & teens that their "disability" will be their ticket to do just about anything they feel for the rest of their lives. In the classroom they receive accomodations, if financially eligible their families receive money and if they misbehave in the community, many times the courts order free counseling services for them, while putting off any real consequences for their behavior.

Kids & parents...hear this! Once these young people are adults...
having ADHD isn't going to matter, it's not going to fly! If your child robs a bank, if they run a red light, if they shoplift or take a gun into a store and wave it around, as they once did at school....the law, society, or the prison system isn't going to care that in elementary school your little darling was found to have

Seek out help for you child now....through the schools, mental health centers, therapists and churches. There is help out there...many counselors have sliding scales or will help you access free services! Teach your child at home how to cope with his/her ADHD. You are cheating your child or teen if you do anything less! They are going to have to live in the real world...don't let them grow up in artificial "ADHD WORLD".

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Certified K-12 Guidance Counselor License #MH9166 Phone: 386.747.7148 Fax: 407.264.8289

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today is a New Chance: Can I Love Too Much?

Today is a New Chance: Can I Love Too Much?

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHCLicensed Mental Health Counselor &Certified K-12 Guidance CounselorLicense #MH9166Phone: 386.747.7148Fax:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Can I Love Too Much?

"Women Who Love Too Much" is one of my favorite books. I use it with clients constantly and I have led book studies on it as well. The other day I had someone ask me... can I really love too much?

If it interferes with your life and another's life, I say a resounding..."Yes!". That is how you will know...if what you are doing is keeping you from reaching your full potential or preventing someone close to you from growing or growing up...then you are loving TOO much!

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
License #MH9166
Phone: 386.747.714