Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Person's Purpose

Purpose..."the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc." by
definition. But how does it feel when one lives without one? No definite
answer there for sure, as each of us would need find that for ourselves. Do we truly
know when we are with or without purpose to our lives?

Do you live with the purposes or values that are truly most
important to you? If you made a list of say 5 of them this minute, compared them 
to how you spent your time for the past week...would you find yourself truly living your
values? Or would you find yourself merely talking the talk, instead of walking the walk?
Would you change things up? Would you be able to? In these tough economic and
questionably moral times, the possibility for making sizable changes to our lives 
might be questionable in practice, not to mention realistically speaking.

However, the lack of purpose, might gleam as an explanation for the seemingly
unexplainable crimes, activities and issues we see going on around us
in the world these days. Do our families, towns, churches and government. 
all have a defined purpose and are they being carried out? 

You can start with yourself, the person in the mirror. If you believe you have
values and purpose in your life today, get out two pieces of paper ...
discover if you are really living them.

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor License #MH9166 Phone: 386.747.7148