Saturday, January 14, 2012

Knowing Yourself, Again?

I hear many say as they age they become wiser or more
in tune with the universe, etc. I am finding I am becoming
more of myself. Anyone else feel this way?

When I was young I was a very good athlete...before it
was popular for a girl to even play sports...particularly
to compete with the boys or to be good enough to
keep up with them on a sports field of any kind! I could
throw a knuckle ball or kick a field goal...pretty good
little guard in basketball as well. Liked tennis too...but
was only encouraged at summer camp in NC. My Mom
tried her best to not have anyone know I could play at
all! She relented with a basketball hoop finally, but I
have little doubt she told people in our little Florida town
that it belonged to my big brother.

In my teens played alot of softball, rode horses and
coached girls' basketball & softball. I was a pretty
fair coach and really enjoyed it! Many around me
encouraged me to go into coaching...once again the times
and my Mother discouraged this direction, (wanted to be
Pat Summit).However, from coaching I had accumulated a desire for counseling teens. So with that talent in hand I headed to Stetson University, the University of Georgia & the University of Florida to collect the credentials I needed to become a counselor
and therapist....for many years I did just that, working with individuals, teens & families in schools, my office and now as an online therapist.

Recently I became semi retired to care for my husband who
has  terminal is treatable and so we are enjoying as much time as we will be allowed to have together. As I move
through the "golden" years with some time to spend for the first time in many decades, I am rediscovering the love I had for
helping others and sports, which while I never lost it...I had
not had as much time for during the years of having a young
family, working, caring for aging parents and so on. I looked in
the mirror the other day and along with the "character" lines that come with age...I saw myself again. Even more I know now Mother, who I lost this past year, would approve.

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Certified K-12 Guidance Counselor License #MH9166 Phone: 386.747.7148 Fax: 407.264.8289

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Ending!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Maria Robinson
Our past is always there and for so many of us it deters or inspires us
as we go about our daily lives. Since we can't change what has happened to us perhaps making
choices to help reach destinations more to our liking is the way to go. Our individual
journeys are after all a combination of our choices along the way.

But how you might say? Our past is our past ... yes, but how we chose to view it or
allow it to affect us is the key. It really is a choice after all....even for
those who have experienced horrific things...not reaching out to for help is
a decision made, therefore letting the trauma continue to disrupt a life, many times
years after the occurrence. Not letting go of a lesser but painful hurt or disappointment is a negative
wall to the one holding on, as is not forgiving one who has caused you pain. Letting "downer" tapes
or "self talk" keep playing in your head is possibly keeping you from reaching many of
the goals you want to reach or finding the life you have been wanting.
Where do you want to end up? What goals do you to reach in 2012? You CAN change
the ending point, the future...but it is after all up to you!

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor Florida License #MH9166 Phone: 386.747.7148 Email: