Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Education, Bullying, Next?

Bullying has been around as long as there have been children. It has been part
of growing up in schools and in neighborhoods. Many of us have been victims and some have been the bullies. What is making this different for today's children... putting bullying in the national spotlight?

Have we let our children down by not teaching them coping skills? Is the speed
of the internet negating the ability of parents and schools to deal with these
situations as they arise? Has the country become desensitized to all but the
extreme cases, such as the recent suicide of a gay college student or the arrest
of the father of a special needs student in Florida?

There will be plenty of blame and finger pointing regarding this issue. Already the school in Florida is defending itself with a statement. Ellen has made a plea
which has been all over Twitter and Facebook. No doubt, at least initially...politicians, stars and others will be talking about this as a most
important topic...until the next one.

Last week it was education, this week bullying, next week...? Perhaps this leads
to one of the primary concerns...very important issues become "topic of the week".
or the day...then fade away back into daily life, out of the spotlight where
they are not dealt with by our best and brightest. No solutions are found, debate
quiets....until the next child dies or parent becomes the bully! Only, then...
will we look again for answers?

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Certified K-12 Guidance Counselor License #MH9166 Phone: 386.747.7148 Fax: 407.264.8289