Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do We Have A Clue?

Do we parents really have a clue? Do parents realize that
at age 9-10 today some girls are hitting puberty?
Are we as parents or grandparents aware of how
"aware" they may be, yet with the naivety of a kid
.... our kids really are and how dangerous that
combination can be?

Just because our children can upload a questionable
photo of a classmate (who puts it out there not knowing it's
there for life), should they? Does a 6th grader view it any
differently than sending the latest gossip on their cell
phones to everyone in their class? Is a 5th grader who
is charged and expelled from school for an angry remark
made on their My Space after a tough day responsible for
a crime? Should they be able to get their hands on such
technology that can do such harm or make others feel in
danger? Or do we all feel that doesn't happen to our kids,
in our communities?

Having been a guidance counselor it is scary to know
that one texted remark can cause a total disruption
of a grade level if not an entire school with a school
"rumble" if the adults are not "awake" to that
probability. Are we supervising our child's online
or on cell communications? Are we willing to risk not
being our child's "friend" or willing to be accused of
invading their privacy in order to protect them
from hurting possibly, gee... themselves?
They may be far ahead of you in technological knowledge
...but they are still 11, 12, 13 ....with all those ages bring
with it! "Tweens" and teens they are all "doing it"...
texting, emailing and/or hosting their own social network

I think as parents and grandparents we want to believe,
well our kids would never....not only would they ever....
probably already are? Want to take that chance, really?
It only takes the time to type or text
change a life forever!

Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor &
Certified K-12 Guidance Counselor
License #MH9166
Phone: 386.747.7148
Fax: 407.264.8289

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