Why are such horrible personal errors bring committed in today's society? Jobs are hard to find and you may need to relocate. Divorce is still available. In fact in most states it is easier and less expensive than ever before. Child custody in most cases is split evenly, so called "shared parenting". While the economy might be a convenient place to foster the blame and the media certainly does that all day every day for many of society's ills. Isn't that way too simplistic? Are job losses and money woes the answer to why we are killing ourselves, our families and our neighbors at an alarming rate?
Is it perhaps the speed with which our world moves today? Can you really get away from video communication, multi media or have you even wanted to? Perhaps it creates a certain type of personal isolation. The generations who have not grown up without some type of computerized or video involvement appear to not know how to deal with real life, as opposed to "reel life" on those very machines or technical outlets that have given them hours of enjoyment and pleasure. Have we become so used to immediate gratification that the impulsively of blowing away our families seems less painful than going through a divorce or moving to a new town to look for a job?
We may need to consider learning social and coping skills to deal with the many trials and tests life can present. It may seem "old school"...but many times you might want to look past where one has been to know where you are going. It is difficult to teach skills to our children when we never have learned them ourselves. How many lives will have to be lost...many of them totally innocent before we discover that technology is not going to teach us everything...and while it is a tremendous tool...it cannot teach anyone how to actually live their lives....everyday...the good and the not so good days. We don't have to die to solve problems, or kill our families or friends. Sometimes it is just as simple as remembering to breathe......then keeping breathing until you can work out a living solution to your temporary problem.
Jodi H. Underhill MEd. LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor &
Certified K-12 Guidance Counselor
License #MH9166
Phone: 386.747.7148
Fax: 407.264.8289
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